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Government of El Salvador registers 226 fallen trees, 42 landslides and 142 roads obstructed due to rains

This Monday, officials who make up the National Civil Protection Commission provided a balance on the emergencies attended during the temporary rains that register El Salvador, which have caused damage due to floods, landslides and falling trees in different areas of the country.

The Minister of the Interior and Territorial Development, Juan Carlos Bidegain, explained that they have 117 shelters distributed throughout El Salvador to take care of families affected by the rains. In addition, he pointed out that of this total of shelters, 34 of them are currently enabled, in which they serve 324 families who were evacuated from risk areas.

Bidegain explained that in total there are 882 people housed in the enclosures enabled throughout the country, in addition to explaining that the Salvadorans who have been evacuated from their homes have the guarantee that teams of the National Civil Police and the Armed Forces will take care of the belongings they left in their homes and thus prevent theft or loss.

The Minister of Public Works, Romeo Rodríguez, pointed out that since last Thursday, June 13, 226 fallen trees, 42 landslides and 142 blocked roads have been counted. During these interventions, Civil Protection teams, Firefighters, relief teams, National Civil Police and Armed Forces have participated.

Luis Amaya, director of Civil Protection, also reported that due to different circumstances arising from the rains, a total of 11 people have already died, who lost their lives due to circumstances such as falling land slopes and fallen trees.

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For his part, the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources (Marn), Fernando López, explained that the western area, specifically Apaneca, in Ahuachapán is the area that has recorded the most water accumulation in the last 24 hours, with a record of 385.6 millimeters.

López indicated that the heavy rains of the temporary type will be maintained this day and on Tuesday the 18th, and although he detailed that the storms will continue throughout the week, from Wednesday the 19th there could be a slight decrease in the constancy and intensity of these rains.

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Central America

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken congratulates El Salvador on 203 years of independence

U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken congratulated El Salvador on behalf of the U.S. government on the commemoration of its 203rd anniversary of independence.

“On behalf of the United States of America, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the people of El Salvador on the celebration of their Independence Day. On this special occasion, I reflect on the familial ties shared by our peoples and the important relationship between our governments,” said the U.S. official in a press release.

He also affirmed that the United States will continue promoting inclusive economic growth, citizen security with due process, and human rights in El Salvador.

“We welcome this special occasion as an opportunity to recognize our bonds of friendship and look forward to strengthening them even further in the coming year. I send my best wishes to the people of El Salvador this and every September 15th,” he added.

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Young actress Adriana Isabel Mojica dies in tragic accident in Torrelodones

Young actress and singer Adriana Isabel Mojica, 19 years old, died Thursday morning after being struck by a vehicle in Torrelodones, Spain, confirmed the town’s mayor.

“I am deeply shocked by the death of our young neighbor Adriana Isabel in this tragic accident. My heartfelt support goes to her family and friends during these terribly difficult times. Rest in peace,” posted Almudena Negro, Mayor of Torrelodones.

According to Spain’s El Mundo newspaper, the incident occurred on the A-6 motorway, at kilometer 31.5, at 7:35 a.m.

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Nicaragua frees 135 political prisoners, repatriated to Guatemala through U.S. mediation

Nicaragua released 135 political prisoners for humanitarian reasons, who were received by Guatemala on Thursday, thanks to U.S. mediation, which will allow them to travel to that country or others.

At La Aurora Airport in Guatemala City, the former detainees celebrated their freedom. “Thank God for being free, long live a free Nicaragua,” declared Francisco Arteaga to reporters, raising his fist in the air.

Arteaga had been detained for posting “on social media the actions” of President Daniel Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, against the Catholic Church, he told reporters from the window of a bus taking him to a reception center. According to the Guatemalan presidency, the group arrived yesterday on “a special flight that landed at 06:20 a.m.” (12:20 GMT).

The White House announced shortly before that it had secured the release of these prisoners, including 13 members of the Texas-based evangelical organization Mountain Gateway, Catholic laypeople, students, and others whom Ortega and Murillo “consider a threat to their authoritarian regime.”

The release was carried out for humanitarian reasons, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said in a statement, just two months before the U.S. presidential elections. Eric Jacobstein from the State Department, who was involved in the negotiations, indicated that the Nicaraguan regime did not receive anything in return.

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