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The boarding school that fights for the future of seven indigenous peoples in the Amazon of Peru

Shirts, pants and backpacks hang from wooden beams in a large room full of old bunk beds in which students from a particular educational center sleep in the heart of the Amazon of Peru. This residence and institute welcomes 248 adolescents of seven ethnic groups who seek to improve their future and, with it, that of their peoples.

The Yankuam Jintia high school (‘Luz en el camino’, in the indigenous language Achuar) is located in San Lorenzo, capital of the Datem del Marañón, and is an option for teenagers who do not have educational centers in their small indigenous communities.

It has teenagers from 12 to 18 years old of the shawi, condoshi, wampis, quechua, awajún, shapra and achuar ethnic groups, from 95 peoples, so the mixture of languages and cultures is breathed in the walls full of murals.

It houses realities of all kinds, from adolescents whose families have decided to give a better education for their children than their community can provide, to those who are orphans or have suffered abuse and did not have a safe home.

“We are always doing shifts so that they are not alone. We are always here with you at all times, they are small who come for the first year at 11 and 12 years old. They are very brave when leaving the family to come to study (…) They need the paternal warmth from us as mother and dad,” the director of the center, Sandra Elizabeth Flores, tells EFE.

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He explains to EFE in the courtyard that this place was born as a male boarding school at the initiative of the missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, who saw 50 years ago the little access that young people in these areas had to education.

“It was seen that our young people didn’t adapt much. There was a little bit of discrimination, because they didn’t master Spanish. Then the students came sad,” says the director, adding that for this reason the boarding school also became an intercultural school that respected the various origins of adolescents.

She adds, proudly, that the center has also been open since 2016 for girls, who are now a little more than half of the total.

“We do a comprehensive job trying to ensure that the children are respected, that the original language is maintained and we are working with a culture of peace,” says Flores.

The residence has an area for girls and a boys’ area, with several rooms per age group, in which some students have their books, hygiene material and glossy shoes tidy, while others keep their muddy slippers next to their toothbrushes.

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“The reality in this educational institution, on the one hand, is fun, we share cultures, beliefs, experiences with each other and we make the union as a family, but we lack some basic needs since the institution does not have enough resources,” Jean, a 15-year-old young wampi, representative of the students and whose native community is two days away from the institute, tells EFE.

In the wooden bunk beds, there are no mattresses for some, and there are no pillows or mosquito nets for everyone.

“Like all young people, we also need to have fun and we want tools like balls and poles to go to represent school when we play soccer and be presentable,” he says before adding that he wants to get a scholarship to study Law.

The director shares her frustration by agreeing that the center lacks resources of all kinds, but that every year teenagers who want to enter are left out.

For many, the objective is to get one of the scholarships granted by the Government to students of high performance and scarce economic resources to pursue a university career, so the routine of the institute is focused on studies, which occupy mornings and afternoons.

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But Jean admits that there is no computer in the center, a need that has identified a project developed by Unicef and Adra at the Datem del Marañón, which seeks to protect children, adolescents and their access to health services.

“We have worked with them on the issue of communication, their skills and strategies so that they can be able to easily develop, lose their shyness in front of the public when they express themselves or when they want to talk,” says the project coordinator, Lady Mondragón.

They also promoted the creation of ‘spots’ with messages alluding to health care that they have elaborated in the dialects of their native peoples, something that is not usually common since they are usually disseminated in Spanish.

He adds that, through this initiative, they have known the importance of promoting health in their communities, where they will then share them, which also helps to give a voice to these adolescents who live in a rich interculturality.

A project that gives communities a future of a present and a future that emanates from their adolescents.

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Trump claims he’s the only one who can prevent World War III

Former President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump claimed on Saturday that he is “the only one who can prevent World War III,” during a political rally in Wisconsin, one of the swing states where the 2024 November presidential elections could be decided.

Trump outlined the geopolitical implications of his victory: on one hand, he reiterated his stance that “I will fix the Ukraine situation,” without providing details, and on the other hand, he warned that a victory by his opponent, Vice President and Democratic contender Kamala Harris, would mean the end of the State of Israel.

“If I don’t win this election, Israel, with Comrade Kamala Harris at the helm of the United States, is doomed. Israel will disappear in a year or two and will cease to exist. You better hope I win, or you’re going to face problems like never before,” he explained.

Trump has stated on numerous occasions, and repeated today, that if he had been in charge, neither the war in Ukraine nor the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel and the subsequent war would have occurred. He also claimed that he had predicted both conflicts.

He concluded: “Trump is always right. I hate being right, but I always am,” adding that he had also foreseen the rampant inflation and immigration problems currently facing the country.

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The Republican candidate’s rally focused on his usual themes: security, immigration threats, the cost of living, and the decline of U.S. global influence. However, the loudest applause in Wisconsin came when he promised to eliminate transgender policies, especially in schools.

On Tuesday, Trump will face off against his rival Kamala Harris in a presidential debate on ABC, which is expected to be crucial in swaying many undecided voters. Interestingly, the candidate made almost no mention of the upcoming debate during his rally.

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Jair Bolsonaro calls for action against “dictator” judge de Moraes over social media ban

Bolsonaro returns to Brazil after spending three months in Florida

Former President Jair Bolsonaro once again demonstrated his mobilization power and intensified his rhetoric against Brazilian Supreme Court Judge Alexandre de Moraes during a massive street rally in São Paulo, where he called for the impeachment of the magistrate, labeling him a “dictator” for his decision to block the social media platform X in Brazil.

“We need to put a stop to those who overstep the limits of the Constitution. I hope the Federal Senate puts an end to Moraes, this dictator who is harming the country more than [Luiz Inácio] Lula da Silva,” Bolsonaro said, acting as the main speaker at the event that drew a large crowd on Avenida Paulista.

The rally, which featured speeches from key figures of Bolsonaro’s movement and support from magnate Elon Musk, the owner of X, had already been planned before Moraes’ decision on September 30 to block the social media platform in the country after X’s non-compliance with court orders.

Bolsonaro is also under scrutiny from the Supreme Federal Court (STF), particularly by Moraes, who is leading investigations that could have serious legal consequences for him, including prosecution for the attempted coup on January 8, 2023.

The former Brazilian president questioned the judge’s conduct during the 2022 elections, accusing him of favoring Lula. He also reiterated a call for Congress to grant amnesty to the “political prisoners” detained for their involvement in the attempted coup in Brasília.

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“That was never a coup, and we are seeing people being judged as if they were an armed group trying to overthrow our democratic state. I regret the situation of these prisoners,” Bolsonaro said, urging amnesty for those detained.

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Central America

Young actress Adriana Isabel Mojica dies in tragic accident in Torrelodones

Young actress and singer Adriana Isabel Mojica, 19 years old, died Thursday morning after being struck by a vehicle in Torrelodones, Spain, confirmed the town’s mayor.

“I am deeply shocked by the death of our young neighbor Adriana Isabel in this tragic accident. My heartfelt support goes to her family and friends during these terribly difficult times. Rest in peace,” posted Almudena Negro, Mayor of Torrelodones.

According to Spain’s El Mundo newspaper, the incident occurred on the A-6 motorway, at kilometer 31.5, at 7:35 a.m.

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