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The Government of Venezuela says that detained former officials diverted funds to opposition campaign

The Government of Venezuela accused on Tuesday former officials of the municipality of Maracaibo (northwest) – Zulia state -, among them, the former anti-Chavista mayor Rafael Ramírez Colina, of diverting public resources to finance acts of the campaign of the majority opposition, the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD).

The Minister of the Interior, Diosdado Cabello, said that Ramírez Colina – arrested on October 1 – “directly financed” “political and proselytising” activities, as well as “staff payments” outside the payroll of the Mayor’s Office, with resources obtained through the collection of the urban toilet service by seven companies hired for its collection in the capital of the state of Zulia.

Accusations of the Minister of the Interior of Venezuela

The provision of that service “was charged” despite the fact that they “did not collect” the garbage, and that money, as Cabello explained, “was used to finance the First Justice party,” of which the former official is part, and to “finance mobilization activities of Edmundo González’s campaign” in Zulia.

In a press conference, broadcast by the state channel VTV, Cabello reproduced a video showing the opponent Pedro Guanipa, former director of the Mayor’s Office of Maracaibo -detained in September-, confessing that he was aware of the “financing (…) authorized by Mayor Rafael Ramírez for the campaign activities of Edmundo González and María Corina Machado.”

They involve Juan Pablo Guanipa

In addition, Cabello said that former deputy Juan Pablo Guanipa is also involved in this corruption plot, who “was given” about “50,000 dollars a week”, even though his brother Pedro Guanipa said in the video reproduced that the “financing” to “political activities” of the former parliamentarian “throunder’s Mayor’s Office” was about “6,000 dollars a month.”

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In total, the embezzlement, according to the minister, exceeds 2.7 million dollars, and “only in the hiring” of the seven companies.

In the last elections, Ramírez Colina supported the candidacy of González Urrutia, leader of the largest opposition coalition, which recognizes him as the winner of the elections, even though President Nicolás Maduro proclaimed him the electoral entity the winner.

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Death toll rises to seven after the passage of tropical storm Oscar in Cuba

The Cuban government raised the death toll to seven on Tuesday after the passage of the tropical storm Oscar in the eastern end of the island.

The island president, Miguel Díaz-Canel, reported in his X account that the seventh fatal victim was located in the town of Imíaz, in the province of Guantánamo, the most punished by the meteorological phenomenon.

“We deeply regret and convey our deepest condolences to family and friends. We point out the effects for each area, the actions that will be taken as soon as it is possible to start the recovery phase, as well as the necessary resources according to the protection of the people and the compensation of the damage in the shortest possible time,” wrote the Cuban president.

A number of rural communities still incommunicado after the passage of the storm has made it difficult for the authorities to make an initial assessment of personal and material damage.

Thousands of homes affected in Cuba by storm Oscar

The Government and the official media have added that, in addition to the loss of life, there are more than a thousand homes affected, damage to state infrastructure and considerable damage to agriculture.

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Early Tuesday, the Cuban state press reported that there are 6,000 people affected and about 4,000 “family nuclei” mainly by the floods, which have caused river overflows and sea penetrations in low coastal areas.

Oscar entered Cuba as a category 1 hurricane (out of 5) on the Saffir-Simpson scale on Sunday afternoon and spent just over 24 hours on the island, accompanied by strong winds, heavy rains and tides.

According to the Insmet, it made landfall near Baracoa (east) at 18:10 local time on Sunday and left Cuban territory in the vicinity of Gibara (east) around 19:20 local time this Monday.

In that sense, Civil Defense decided this Tuesday to declare the return to the phase of “normality” in the eastern provinces of Santiago de Cuba, Granma, Holguín and Las Tunas “as it did not have any effects.”

Fifteenth tropical storm

Oscar is the fifteenth tropical storm of the current cyclonic season in the Atlantic and the first to hit land in Cuba.

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The U.S. weather services The US and Cuba warned months ago that this season of hurricanes in the Atlantic, which runs from June 1 to November 30, was going to be especially active.

The last time a major hurricane hit Cuba was in September 2017 when Irma advanced parallel to the north coast of the island and caused ten deaths and material losses officially valued at 13,185 million dollars.

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Boluarte announces that Venezuelan migrants must show rental and work contracts

The president of Peru, Dina Boluarte, announced that the Executive will promote adjustments to regularize the situation of Venezuelan migrants such as the requirement that they show work and rental contracts, as well as monitor the sending of foreign currency outside the country, with the aim of fighting organized crime.

Boluarte’s announcement about Venezuelans

“We are going to track the currencies and remittances that are sent outside the country, to know where they generate that income from. And the one who does not answer with certainty where his income is from, well, that’s where we’re going to fall,” Boluarte said in the balance of his government management of the last eight months.

After more than 100 days without reporting to the press, Boluarte specified that they are going to make adjustments in Migration to demand that “every Venezuelan”, who apparently works legally, present the employment and rental contract.

In this sense, the president also asked property owners to take care of “to those who rent” their homes.
“We are going to go hand in hand with the National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration (Sunat) to be able to control those who rent and those who do not show where their income is from,” he reiterated.

The president addressed the issue of the swee of extortion and organized crime that is going through Peru and assured that they will capture foreign criminals.

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“We will throw criminals out of the national territory”

“To the foreign criminals who are in our country, we say to them, we will throw them out of the national territory, we are not going to allow them to stay one more day in our territory,” Boluarte said.

He said that the departure of about 9 million Venezuelans due to the failure of the Government of that country “affects all countries of the world” and that there is an exodus of migrants that has not been seen “since the time of Moses.”

In this sense, he added that, for years, Peru left the borders open to Venezuelan migrants.

“We know well who has left our borders open, and thousands of them have entered our borders without even mentioning their names. And those subsequent governments have been doing nothing in the face of crime,” he said.

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Miguel Ángel Oliver: The EFE Agency is an antidote against racism

The president of the EFE Agency, Miguel Ángel Oliver, said on Tuesday that the EFE Agency is “an antidote against racism” during the presentation of the New Urgent Style Manual at the headquarters of the Cervantes Institute of Rabat.

“EFE, through the new book, is an antidote against racism. When immigrants are rejected for ethnic or social reasons, it is simply racism,” Oliver stressed when closing a round table entitled “The debate on immigration in the media: when the story kills the data.”

Oliver recalled that journalists have the duty to tell the stories of emigrants and to fight that hate speech against these people: “Put names to the drama, faces and voices,” he insisted.

He stressed that there are media that work against this hate speech. In this sense, he pointed out that media such as EFE and RTVE “are an example of responsible treatment of migration information.”

It is important to humanize the stories of migrants

On this issue, the Moroccan and Spanish journalists who participated in the round table agreed on the need to humanize the stories of migrants, give them a voice without entering into controversy, and avoid degrading language.

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During the debate, the speakers stressed the need not to neglect the personal stories of each migrant, and not to limit themselves to providing figures of people who tried to cross into Europe.

“Journalists must be on the side of the marginalized who will never make it to the news. The journalist has to be critical of governments. Behind thousands of people crossing, you have to spend time telling the story of Pepe, Fátima…”, said Ana Jiménez, TVE correspondent in Morocco.

The Spanish journalist stressed that the data is forgotten but the personal stories or shocking images, such as that of Luna hugging the migrant Abdou, who went viral during the massive entry of emigrants into the Spanish city of Ceuta in May 2021, reach the consciousness of the viewers.

The EFE Agency’s manual to cover migration issues

One of the points on which the speakers insisted is that of the words used to cover migration issues or to refer to migrants.

Jiménez acknowledged that he learned, thanks to style books – such as EFE – or the work of NGOs to differentiate between “jump” and “assault”: the latter term is usually used in the media to refer to the attempt of migrants to jump the border fence of Ceuta or Melilla but it is a word that is associated with weapons, which migrants do not carry.

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In the same sense, Mohamed Ezzouak, director of the Moroccan electronic newspaper ‘Yabiladi’ – which gives special importance to the issues of the Moroccan diaspora abroad – recognized that because of the words we sometimes “animalize” the migrant using degrading words.

Ezzouak recalled some episodes in the past in the Moroccan press where sub-Saharan migrants were labeled “black plague” or even “cockroaches.”

“But the Moroccan media criticized this coverage,” said the journalist, who stressed that these are isolated situations in which it does not reflect the temperament of a country, where there is no polemical debate about emigration, unlike countries like Spain or France.

The correct terms must be used

In the same sense, Ghita Ismaili, journalist of the Moroccan weekly in French ‘Telquel’, stressed the difference between Spain and France, where “emigration is a daily issue” and where there is a political debate animated by the right and extreme right, a point in which he has cited Vox.

“When we refer to emigration in the Moroccan media it is done differently, emigration is very factual, there are not many comments, and the news is more about rescues made by the country’s authorities and the Royal Navy,” he said.

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Ismaili recalled that the last time there was debate and the news of migrants monopolized the front pages of the media was after the call for the mass crossing to Ceuta on September 15, which went viral on social networks and led about 3,000 people, mostly Moroccans, to try.

The new EFE Style Book, whose first edition was published in 2011, has a different structure, reviews and rewrites much of its material and incorporates a multitude of aspects that have appeared or gained importance in recent years in the newsrooms of EFE and all media, such as social networks or artificial intelligence.

The coordinator of the guide, Javier Lascuráin, explained during the round table that the work includes the ethical, professional and linguistic principles of the public agency and broke down some of the considerations that are included in the treatment of migration: avoid pejorative terms such as “avalanche” or “mena”, give voice to migrants, among others.

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