The director of The Washington Post, Sally Buzbee, resigned this Sunday from her position in the prestigious American newspaper, which is experiencing a profound restructuring in...
India opened the polls for the seventh time in the last phase of the general elections, the longest and busiest in the world, which conclude today...
Nayib Bukele, elected president of El Salvador for a second consecutive term and who will be inaugurated on Saturday, received in San Salvador the King of...
Former presidents Alberto Fernández, from Argentina, and Evo Morales, from Bolivia, lead the electoral observation mission for the Mexican elections this Sunday, June 2, of the...
With one day left before the official start of a new season of expert hurricanes in the United States and authorities asked the population this Friday...
The leadership of the United States Congress this Friday invited the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, to give a speech before the two chambers to...
For a long time, former US president Donald Trump has been leading the polls to return to the White House in front of a Joe Biden...
The new Prime Minister of Haiti, Garry Conille, pledged to work with the Presidential Transitional Council to solve the problems facing the country, plunged into an...