U.S. President Joe Biden announced new sanctions against Iran, directed against its Revolutionary Guard and the Ministry of Defense, for the attack on Israel. Through a...
Argentina requested to be a “global partner” of NATO in the framework of a meeting held this Thursday by its Minister of Defense, Luis Petri, and...
Five years after his death, the figure of the powerful president Alan García (1949-2019) has been blurred without the appearance of a visible heir of his...
The Spanish Government will decide in the coming weeks the recognition of Palestine as a State regardless of whether or not other countries may or may...
Iran could revise its “nuclear doctrine” – which until now dictated an exclusively civilian use of this energy – if Israel threatens to attack its atomic...
The anti-corruption commissioner of the Government of Guatemala, Santiago Palomo, assures that the first months in office have been “a roller coaster” after having found a...
Indonesia warned on Thursday about a potential tsunami affecting the central region of the Asian archipelago as a result of the continued eruptions of the Ruang...
Live a quiet life, full of peace and for your mental and emotional well-being. Those are the main reasons that motivated Cinthia Gracast, creator of content...