The player who walked in with difficulty will undergo a series of medical examinations in the next few hours to determine the impact of his injury...
The digital app created by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) aims to generate a risk map, by accumulating key information from each user. The application will...
The United States government issued a ban on travel between the United States and Brazil because of the impact that the Coronavirus has had on the...
Seventy-five Salvadorans were discharged from the Jiquilisco Temporary Hospital in Usulután, from a containment center in San Salvador and from a Salvadoran Social Security Institute (ISSS)...
One of the most applauded measures by Salvadorans in this pandemic is the early closure of borders, ordered by Nayib Bukele, president of El Salvador. 95.7%...
Mexico’s official job drop in March is 400,000 formal jobs, which would represent, according to estimates, a scenario where up to 1 million jobs could be...
After two months of quarantine due to COVID-19, the easing of confinement measures relieved those New Yorkers affected by claustrophobia. Governor Andrew Cuomo unannounced additional measures...
The curfew that has been in place in Honduras since mid-March, as a measure to contain the pandemic, was extended until May 31st this weekend. The...